Many organizations have made a complete transition to remote work and hiring. These changes have impacted us greatly within talent acquisition, especially in how we interact with our candidates. By presenting yourself as a candidate who has done their research and understands the expectations of the role, you can prove that you can be counted on to hit the ground running. This will be critical during a remote onboarding process, where the training might be less hands on.

what is a remote interview process

We strongly filter for candidates who are extremely self-motivated, thrive when working individually and are clear communicators via digital channels . We look for experience working remote and/or very realistic expectations about what it means. If an applicant expects a completely flexible schedule or that they’ll be able to care for a very-dependent dependent during their workday, it’s not a match. I’ve noticed that many people who don’t have experience working from home think that it’s a dream, that they’ll never be stressed or be asked to 100% focus. They would ultimately be very disappointed working for Packlane if we were to hire them.

Remote Interview Questions

Devote a significant portion of your interview process to telling the candidate about the company culture. Talk their ear off about the atmosphere in the team, what lunch is like , team rituals, events etc. It’s extremely important to give concrete examples here and provide proof. You can always make a career page packed with pertinent information and photos and point candidates to it. Now we’ve reached the interview stage, it’s understandable if you’re feeling more apprehensive than usual.

Conducting Virtual Interviews: 7 Effective Tips for Hiring Managers – Alabama Media Group

Conducting Virtual Interviews: 7 Effective Tips for Hiring Managers.

Posted: Tue, 04 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In her previous role, she used video interviews to screen candidates for positions including sales managers, CEOs, CFOs, process engineers, and production managers. For pre-recorded interviews, individuals should ensure they’re well prepared to answer relevant and pointed questions on the position they’re interviewing for. Pre-recorded interviews normally open at a set time and stay open for a few days.

Test Your Technology Beforehand

Some candidates may feel more comfortable with a phone call or an in-person interview. Thoroughly research the hiring organization, the specifics of the job posting, job objectives, work culture, values and the general industry the job is in. There are two main types of video interviews — live, or synchronous, and pre-recorded, or asynchronous. Horizons’ global PEO and custom employment solutions enable businesses to expand their operations into more remote interview process than 150 locations throughout the world. As the only global PEO with a dedicated, in-house recruitment team, Horizons sources, hires, and onboards your global workforce. And as specialists in remote work, we accelerate your ability to hire remote professionals across all industries. Things such as eye contact, body movements, body posture, facial expressions, and the tone of your voice all contribute to how we communicate and understand each other.

what is a remote interview process

Since you can rarely say for sure when the hiring process will start again, it’s best to be honest about it and show empathy towards candidates. Our headhunters can find exceptional talent for you and your team.

Determine what you’re looking for in a remote employee.

Preparation is needed, you must be familiar with the candidate and the role to formulate the right questions. Interviewing requires diligence, carefully listen to the candidate’s responses, ask the right follow up questions and record your notes. When describing the action you took, begin with the steps you took to accomplish a goal and conclude with the project’s outcome. According to LinkedIn, 94% of interviewees desire feedback following their interviews in order to improve. For developers, 50% say the slow feedback is the most vexing aspect of the hiring process. Another way to streamline the scheduling process is with Calendly.

All of this may seem time consuming, but it is well worth the investment. A professional interview will always leave a positive impression and lead to exemplary hires.

Determine which candidates are a good addition

We think the best first impression for a candidate to make is with their potential manager. The main goal of these conversations is to see if the candidate would be a great value add to our team.

Check if candidate can think outside the box and solve real-world problems. This frequently boils down to identifying a metric to improve and developing a testable hypothesis about the anticipated impact of your project. While shipping high-quality software is essential, software that doesn’t address the needs of the user and the business produces little value. Everyone should pause for a few seconds after speaking to avoid latency-induced speech overlap.