Wavepro Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Parts

The estimate does not constitute a transportation quote nor a binding agreement between you and IronPlanet. IronPlanet is not responsible for any discrepancies between the estimate provided by the tool and the actual total cost to ship an item. To get a formal transportation quote, we recommend that our customers contact VeriTread. All bids cannot be retracted and are binding until 2 business days after the auction ends. Failure to make full payment will result in a Default Fee. The item is incomplete and could not be functionally checked.

  • After an overcurrent trip, the FAULT segment and the appropriate overcurrent target are displayed in all modes, without blinking, until cleared.
  • We manufacture and stock complete replacement breaker parts, as well as parts needed to maintain or rebuild breakers.
  • Operating the ability to block automatic recharging of the springs if the charging handle several times fully charges the closing required by the breaker application.
  • Buyers are responsible for all shipping costs including any skidding or crating charges from the Seller.

The initial metering display is phase 1 line current, as illustrated in Figure 42. Current is displayed from 0 to 999 amperes and from 1.00 to a maximum of 999 kA. For current values less than 5% of the current sensor rating, the displayed value is zero. MicroVersaTrip Plus™ and MicroVersaTrip PM™ Trip Units Chapter 5. Maintenance and https://www.wave-accounting.net/ Trouble-Shooting MicroVersaTrip Plus and MicroVersaTrip PM Trip Units and rating plugs are factory tested and normally shipped installed in their breaker frame assemblies or as part of a conversion kit. There is no requirement for periodic maintenance of the Trip Units. There are no user-serviceable components within the Trip Units.

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Introduction Batteries Liquid Crystal Display The Trip Unit uses a lithium manganese dioxide battery with a typical life of two years in a normally energized breaker. Typical usage could include one half-hour of use for first-time cold setup, 10 Trip Unit status checks per year on a de-energized breaker, and one or two configuration changes per year. Figure 4 illustrates the LCD with all segments illuminated.

Wavepro Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Parts

Page 13Accessories for Drawout Breakers (cont.) tact is wired into the spring mounted externally to the breaker. For any other AC power is lost during the spring source voltage, a control power transformer with a 240v sec- charging cycle, spring charging ondary, rated at least 100VA, is required. Fan control is initiated by the trip unit which signals a fan controller to turn the fans on and off when the Table 8.2 WavePro Breaker Lifting Tools load current Wavepro Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Parts exceeds or drops below 4200 amperes. Quality Switchgear warranties this reconditioned General Electric WPX-32 for one year, including all labor, freight and materials required to return it to operational standards. Quality Switchgear guarantees this product will operate to your satisfaction under normal load and usage conditions. Any repairs performed without the express written permission of Quality Switchgear Inc. shall invalidate this warranty.

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All setup, status, and metering functions and displays are accessed through these keys. Trip Units — MicroVersaTrip Plus™ Operation Of MicroVersaTrip Plus™ Trip Units actuator causes the breaker to open.

Wavepro Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Parts